How to Get the Most Out of Your Getting Ready Photos & Video


1.     Pick a location that fits your wedding style & needs


When you think about where you want to get ready for your wedding what idea comes to mind? The location of where you are getting ready is indeed important because you want the location to fit the style of your wedding décor. If you are going for a modern and clean looking wedding style, then getting ready at a rustic looking place may not be the best choice to match your wedding style. After your wedding is done your wedding photographer is going to piece all of your wedding photos together to create a beautiful story for you.


2.     Make sure that the Lighting Fits the look you’re going for


Light sets the mood for your wedding photos and film. Light indeed makes the difference between stunning photos and film and average mundane photos. If you are going for a moody look a location with less windows and lighting will fit just fine; however, if you are going for a brighter look then you are going to want a location with lots of natural lights and windows. Either way you decide make sure you match the light to the


3.     Have everyone get to the location early


People always tend to run late on wedding days, so it is important to make sure that you request that everyone arrives early. With all of the stress on your wedding day this is the last thing that you should be worried about. Set expectations early, so that everyone is on the same page on when you should be at your getting ready location.


4.     Make sure to keep it clean the morning of your wedding


Your wedding day is going to stressful at times. One way to limit that stress is by keeping the getting ready location clean and organized to help you out. There are going to be a lot of pictures and film captured one your wedding day, and the last thing you want is that cluttered being captured in your photos or film.


5.     Have your wedding details at a specific spot in advance


It is a really good idea to set out all of the details you want captured such as your earrings, invitations, written vows, etc.  put off to the side the night before. This will make the next day easy as you getting ready with your hair and makeup. When your wedding photographer and wedding cinematographer come it will all be in a single location for them to grab. This saves you from being stressed out try to find your wedding details last second.


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Temecula Wedding Coordinator